Tuesday 8 March 2016

Let's start with...

... What this blog is for.

I have created this blog in the good faith that there are hundreds of unknown, under-appreciated women throughout history who have achieved insurmountable brilliances, overcome obstacles bigger than Donald Trump's ego and have been undeniably bad-ass through it all.

These women are real and they are brilliant. They are unrecognised - lost in history - and it is my goal to bring these incredible women back into our lives for the recognition that they so well deserve. My goal is to educate myself - and others - on the achievements of these women.

I am in no manner disregarding the feats of men and their equally inspiring accomplishments. But women are just as deserved, just as fantastic, just as brave, just as strong. So why do we rarely hear about their successes?

This blog is run by an intersectional feminist. Women rule. ALL women rule.

So let's celebrate them.

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